Become a Trustee

16th August 2021

For more than two decades, Hill Close Gardens Trust has been dedicated to a continuing programme of development and enhancement to preserve the gardens as the UK’s only surviving group of detached Victorian pleasure garden plots with public access.
Throughout our journey of restoration, maintenance, and growth, our Trustees have guided the way. Made up of local volunteers who give their time and multi-disciplined experience to oversee the general management of the administration of the Gardens, our Trustees make a vital contribution to the Gardens’ on-going success.
We are now inviting applications to join our Board of Trustees.
As the popularity of Hill Close Gardens and its variety of offerings and services has grown, we need people from all walks of life to volunteer and give their time as a Trustee to help the Trust be managed effectively.
We invite Trustee applications from all interested parties, especially those who can bring valuable experience and skills to enhance the Board’s leadership.
As well as devoting time, which includes six Trustee day-time meetings per year, we’re also looking for new Trustees who have an interest in the Gardens, and who can bring a range of management skills and experience to support the Trust going forward.
There’s no requirement for incoming Trustees to be horticultural experts – we are particularly interested in applications from people who can bring business and/or professional management experience, legal experience, or skills in fundraising and online marketing, IT, HR, and many others, to benefit the trust and further develop a diverse Board.
Being a trustee is hugely rewarding. As a trustee you have the chance to support and shape the work of the Gardens and make a significant contribution to the Trust’s future. In addition, some of our Trustees invest additional time to serve on the Trusts’ operational committees, which brings them even closer to the day-to-day running of the Gardens.
If you have an interest in becoming a Trustee with Hill Close Gardens, we’d love to hear from you.
If you are interested, please complete and return the application form to Trustee Chris Begg at If you would like to ask any questions about becoming a Trustee or regarding the role of Honorary Treasurer, you can also email Chris or contact him on 07747 846027 or 01926 423822.
Click here for an application form

The Hill Close Gardens Board of Trustees