

As a partner of Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue who do incredible work, we have been receiving rescued hogs that can’t be released where they were found originally e.g. busy roads, and supporting them as they regain their independence. More than 20 have been released at our gardens since 2023. The plight of the hedgehog has been

Horticultural Congratulations

Well done to our volunteers Rosemary M, Paul, Tony, Rosemary H and Steph who entered various categories at the Warwick and Old Milverton Horticultural Shows and came away with a number of accolades!

Our Plant Stories Podcast

Recorded with Sally Flatman in May 2024. Sally is a former BBC Radio Producer who is seeking to bring two passions together, audio and plants, in a podcast for gardeners called Our Plant Stories. To learn more and to listen to the episode about Hill Close Gardens, click here.

Bulb Borders

“The bulb border, and snowdrops” by Rosemary Mitchell

Online Talks from Hill Close on Youtube

Online Talks from Hill Close on Youtube (recorded from zoom meetings, so you might want to fast forward the beginning during setup) “Early social history of Hill Close and possible influence of the Loudens” by Chris Begg